Affordable & Actionable Ways to Protect the Planet for Future Generations

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Answers to Common Questions about Bioheat® Fuel

No matter who we are or where we’re from, it’s a safe bet that we all want to leave our planet in great condition for future generations. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to achieve this important goal, or how to do it without breaking the bank. Luckily, we have a great resource at hand that can help reduce carbon emissions right now, with no modifications to your existing oil tank or heating equipment. All you have to do is order it from your local fuel company—and it’s called Bioheat® fuel.

How Is Bioheat® Fuel Made & Why Is It Eco-Friendly?

Bioheat® fuel is made by blending heating fuel with renewable biodiesel. Biodiesel is made from a variety of readily available feedstocks. All these feedstocks are waste products or by-products of existing food supply lines, reducing greenhouse gas emissions significantly. Because a variety of surplus feedstocks are used, biodiesel and renewable diesel achieve emissions reductions of at least 50% compared to petroleum diesel, which means cleaner air and significant health benefits.

What Makes Bioheat® Fuel So Affordable?

Bioheat® fuel is one of the most affordable renewable energy solutions for homeowners because it requires no system modifications. You can use blends of Bioheat® fuel ranging from B5 (with 5% biodiesel content) up to B20 (with 20% biodiesel content) in your existing fuel tank and boiler or furnace right now. Not needing to upgrade your home heating system is a major money saver that will leave more wiggle room in your monthly and annual spending plan.

Related Post: Bioheat® Fuel: A Neighborhood Solution to Reduce Emissions

Ready to Get Started with Bioheat® Fuel? It’s Simple & Easy!

Bioheat® fuel is a low-cost, low-carbon home comfort solution that’s available right now to help reduce emissions. To get started with Bioheat® fuel, all you need to do is call your local fuel provider and ask if they deliver Bioheat® fuel—if they do, great! You can make sure that your next fuel delivery is Bioheat® fuel and contribute to decarbonization efforts that will help protect our planet for generations to come.