Bioheat® fuel is a blend of biodiesel and ultra-low sulfur heating fuel. A more eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating fuel, Bioheat® fuel can be used in existing home heating fuel systems. Bioheat® fuel is available right now and is currently offered in a range of blends from 2% to 20% biodiesel.

Get the Facts about Bioheat® Fuel

FACT: Bioheat® fuel is the only liquid heating fuel that can lower its carbon emissions. Current blends are already low carbon, and the industry is moving toward higher blends of biodiesel with goals to reach net-zero carbon emissions in the future.

FACT: Bioheat® fuel is renewable because biodiesel used to make it comes from a diverse variety of renewable agricultural by-products, including soybean oil, inedible corn oil, used cooking oil, fats and tallows, canola, and other recycled oils.1

FACT: Bioheat® fuel reduces SOx, CO2, particulate matter, and mercury emissions.2

FACT: The Bioheat® fuel industry supports more than 62,000 jobs in the US, and Bioheat® fuel is delivered by local, multigenerational family businesses that employ members of their communities.

FACT: Bioheat® fuel requires no modifications to your heating system. It can be used in your existing heating system right now!

FACT: Bioheat® fuel is valued and priced comparably to traditional liquid heating fuels on the market.

[1] Source: Clean Fuels Alliance America
[2] Source: NESCAUM

Learn More about How Bioheat® Fuel Helps Reduce Emissions

Green House Gas Benefits

Available Today

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